Jeff MacNelly. Original Paintings & Limited Edition Giclees


Jeff MacNelly Scholarship Fund



2003 Winner.

Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.


Linda Dapieveova, Key West High wins The Fourth for the Second Year


For a distinguished cartoon or portfolio of cartoons produced during the year, characterized by originality, editorial effectiveness, quality of drawing, and pictorial effect.

Pulitzer Prize Winners Dave Barry, Tony Auth, Mike Peters, David Hume Kennerly, and Chris Cassat judged the fourth memorial scholarship dedicated to their close friend Jeff MacNelly the triple Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoonist and long time Keys resident. It is an annual scholarship $5,000.00 for a high school student from The Florida Keys. “There were many excellent entrants from the Florida Keys this year.” stated Tony Auth.

Jeff MacNelly was the Twentieth Century’s most critically acclaimed political cartoonist with three Pulitzers, and two Ruebens bestowed by his fellow cartoonist. Jeff’s prodigious talent as an artist, cartoonist, sailor and collaborator graced this uncommon island for the ten years. He and his wife Susie lived her winters.

Jeff worked with children when he came to Key West going into the classrooms to teach cartooning. It is with the thought that his legacy can provide inspiration for the coming generations as it has for his colleagues that this scholarship is designed.

Dave Barry has been writing for the Miami Herald since 1983 and won a Pulitzer Prize for journalistic commentary in 1988. He has written a number of short but harmful books, including "Babies and Other Hazards of Sex" and "Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States." He writes about life and all its funny complexities.

Mike Peters has been recognized as one of our nations most prominent cartoon artists for his outstanding work as both a political and comic strip cartoonist. Mike is the Peter Pan of the cartooning world. He was awarded his Pulitzer in 1981. His strip “Mother Goose & Grimm” has won awards since its inception in 1984. Mike is syndicated by Tribune Media Services and appears in over 400 newspapers worldwide. Mike storyboards for Steven Spielberg’s Dreamworks, writes books, does animated series for CBS, and has had one of the most varied careers as an artist and journalist.

Chris Cassat is the Aspen News political cartoonist and worked as Jeff’s assistant creating “Shoe” for ten years. Chris and Gary Brookins now create “Shoe” Chris also produced The Story of Aspen with Aspen Times 'Around Aspen' columnist Mary Eshbaugh Hayes. This book, which is in its second printing, features many of his photographs from the 70's and 80's.

David Hume Kennerly was the White House photographer for President Gerald R. Ford. His many achievements include the Pulitzer Prize for his Vietnam photography, first prize in the World Press Photo Contest for his coverage of Cambodia, and Overseas Press Club’s Olivier Rebbot Award for his inside story of the Reagan/Gorbachev Summit in Geneva. He has photographed 25 covers for Time magazine, produced a movie and is a contributing photographer for Life Magazine and a Photographic Editor for Newsweek.

The Philadelphia Inquirer hired Tony Auth as staff editorial cartoonist in 1971, where he is a member of the Editorial Board. Mr. Auth has won numerous awards, including five Overseas Press Club Awards, the Sigma Delta Chi Award for Distinguished Service in Journalism, and the Pulitzer Prize. His political cartoons are distributed in this country and abroad by Universal Press Syndicate. Tony Auth is also a fine artist, and the author and/or illustrator of several books for children, the most recent of which is "The Sky of Now", by Chaim Potok and published by Alfred A. Knopf.

Lou Harris, one of our most distinguished Key West residents of the Harris Poll fame, supplies the criteria. “Being Florida we wanted to get it right and Mr. Harris is surely the most noted expert in the world to avoid Florida polling follies. Related Nance Frank, Donor Advisor.

To compete please send three cartoons to The Gallery on Greene, 606 Greene St. Key West, FL 33040.To contribute make checks payable to The Community Foundation of the Florida Keys, Box 162, Key West, FL 33040 with a memo for the MacNelly Scholarship. For more information please contact: Nance Frank 294-1669


Nance Frank, Owner

Gallery on Greene

Key West, Florida

(305) 294-1669





Original Paintings


Prints at a glance



Print List


Alexander Graham Bell
Bad Kitty
Bert The Shirt
Brer Carter
Captain Ahab Retires
Captain Hook
Conch Republic Dog
Crime Report
Dinks Dreamboat
Dog Beach
Dog Fight
Dot Calm
Dufus Takes A Bride
El Gato Loco
Elephant (drawing)
Elephant (Party Animal I)
Ernest the Cat I
Follow Me
Gator, Gator, Gator & Crock
George Herbert Retriever Bush
Great Horn-Rimmed GoldWarbler
Jesse of Toad Hall
Lady Godiva
Lech Walrusa
Mario Koalo
Mario Sanchez Fine Arts
Models Take A Break
Mutt & Jeff
Party Animal II
Personal Trainer
Race Week
Red-Throated Castro
Right-Winged Thatcher
Stone Harbour
The Barrister
The Bodega
The Diplomat
The Relic
The Wrecker
Turn of the Century
Waiting For Chickens



Dave Barry

Larry Shames

Mario Sanchez


Contact Us

Nance Frank, Owner

Gallery on Greene

Key West, Florida

(305) 294-1669


Jeff MacNelly Scholarship Fund


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