Mario Sanchez
Jeff’s favorite Key West artist was Mario
Sanchez. He wrote the forward to “Mario Sanchez Before and After”.
Jeff just loved Mario’s work,
especially his model-T Fords so this one was dedicated to Mario and
his art.
Jeff admired Mario Sanchez’s folk art for it’s great sense of
artistic power, of individuality, and technical virtuosity with the
irrepressible, candid charm of the unschooled. In love with Key West
himself, he couldn’t help but be charmed by Mario the chronicler of
Key West history and cultures.
Mario's usual cast of colorful characters are his Cuban, Afro-Cuban,
Bahamian, Afro-Bahamian, Jewish, Chinese and Italian cigars rollers,
street vendors, fishermen, and the everyday common people he
preserved for history along with their nicknames and humorous antics
from the 1920’s and 30’s when he was a boy.
Considered the most important Cuban-American Folk Artist of the 20th
Century you can read more about Mario Sanchez
here and at the Gallery On Greene
We have this Limited Edition of 250 Giclee
available on archival paper in the following sizes.
Small (image size
approx 8"x10" ) $400
Medium (approx. 18"x24")
Large (approx. 30"x40")
We also have:
Signed prints
Print framing
Print to Canvas
Special Orders
Contact Us
Nance Frank,
Gallery on Greene (305)
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