Jeff MacNelly. Original Paintings & Limited Edition Giclees


 Pulitzer Prize

This heading should really read "Pulitzer Prizes" because Jeff MacNelly won 3, 1972, 1978, and 1985 for his editorial cartoons in his too-short lifetime.


Click on the thumbnail  below to see the famous "1040" 1976 cartoon for which he won his 1978 award.



There is an editorial library of Jeff's cartoons at


``Jeff was simply the most brilliant political cartoonist of the time,'' Chicago Tribune editor Howard A. Tyner said. ``No one had an eye and a sense of humor like his. And he was as funny personally as he was in print.''

He won the first one when he was only 24 years old after working at the Richmond News Leader in Virginia for only 16 months. After 12 years at the Richmond News Leader, he joined the Chicago Tribune in 1982 where he won his 3rd Pulitzer.

But editorial cartoons weren't his only outlet. In 1977, MacNelly began the daily comic strip ``Shoe,'' about a cranky newspaper's editor and its two-bit hacks, all of whom just happen to be birds. The cigar-chomping boss of the Treetops Tattler was P. Martin Shoemaker, inspired by MacNelly's former boss Jim Shumaker, now a University of North Carolina professor. He also illustrated humorist Dave Barry's syndicated column.

The New York native took his first cartooning job in 1969 when he dropped out of the University of North Carolina to take a $120-per-week position with a weekly paper in Chapel Hill, N.C.



Original Paintings


Prints at a glance



Print List


Alexander Graham Bell
Bad Kitty
Bert The Shirt
Brer Carter
Captain Ahab Retires
Captain Hook
Conch Republic Dog
Crime Report
Dinks Dreamboat
Dog Beach
Dog Fight
Dot Calm
Dufus Takes A Bride
El Gato Loco
Elephant (drawing)
Elephant (Party Animal I)
Ernest the Cat I
Follow Me
Gator, Gator, Gator & Crock
George Herbert Retriever Bush
Great Horn-Rimmed GoldWarbler
Jesse of Toad Hall
Lady Godiva
Lech Walrusa
Mario Koalo
Mario Sanchez Fine Arts
Models Take A Break
Mutt & Jeff
Party Animal II
Personal Trainer
Race Week
Red-Throated Castro
Right-Winged Thatcher
Stone Harbour
The Barrister
The Bodega
The Diplomat
The Relic
The Wrecker
Turn of the Century
Waiting For Chickens



Dave Barry

Larry Shames

Mario Sanchez


Contact Us

Nance Frank, Owner

Gallery on Greene

Key West, Florida

(305) 294-1669


Jeff MacNelly Scholarship Fund


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