Jeff MacNelly. Original Paintings & Limited Edition Giclees


Captain Ahab Retires To Florida


I was out on Boca Grande (10 miles from Key West) and managed to wander onto the ‘birds only’ part of the island, earning me a $100 fine.


Well, Jeff had to see the beach. He was the brainiest and most curious person ever. 


We explored the people side of the beach and then walked along in the water to see the bird side.  Walking in the water on the bird side is legal (go figure) but I still kept looking for the marine patrol every few minutes.


The next week Jeff came into the Gallery on Greene with this painting, Captain Ahab.  Over the years I’ve had the chance to think about the real message of the Captain.  There he is retired in Paradise with his turquoise trailer ready to live the good life in his Lilly Pulitzer pants but can’t give up his lifelong pursuit of revenge.  Notice the emblem on the shirt, instead of the La Coste alligator, Jeff put in the whale, just to remind us all that it’s better to forget!




We  have this Limited Edition of 250 Giclee available on archival paper in the following sizes.


Small (image size approx 8"x10" )        $400

Medium (approx. 18"x24")                  $1700

Large (approx. 30"x40")                      $3500


We also have:

Signed prints

Print framing

Print to Canvas

Special Orders


Contact Us

 Nance Frank Gallery on Greene   (305) 294-1669


Please click on a thumbnail for a larger image


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Original Paintings


Prints at a glance



Print List


Alexander Graham Bell
Bad Kitty
Bert The Shirt
Brer Carter
Captain Ahab Retires
Captain Hook
Conch Republic Dog
Crime Report
Dinks Dreamboat
Dog Beach
Dog Fight
Dot Calm
Dufus Takes A Bride
El Gato Loco
Elephant (drawing)
Elephant (Party Animal I)
Ernest the Cat I
Follow Me
Gator, Gator, Gator & Crock
George Herbert Retriever Bush
Great Horn-Rimmed GoldWarbler
Jesse of Toad Hall
Lady Godiva
Lech Walrusa
Mario Koalo
Mario Sanchez Fine Arts
Models Take A Break
Mutt & Jeff
Party Animal II
Personal Trainer
Race Week
Red-Throated Castro
Right-Winged Thatcher
Stone Harbour
The Barrister
The Bodega
The Diplomat
The Relic
The Wrecker
Turn of the Century
Waiting For Chickens



Dave Barry

Larry Shames

Mario Sanchez


Contact Us

Nance Frank, Owner

Gallery on Greene

Key West, Florida

(305) 294-1669


Jeff MacNelly Scholarship Fund


Look for Books



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