Jeff MacNelly. Original Paintings & Limited Edition Giclees


Jeff MacNelly's paintings are available at Fine Art Giclees in limited editions of 250.


We have small printsimage size approximately 8x10" on 9x12" archival paper, available on this website for $400.


Please contact us for availability for:


Medium: (approx. 18x24")  $1700

Large: (approx. 30x40") $3500

Signed prints

Print framing

Print to Canvas

Special Orders


About Giclees


Giclee or Iris reproductions are a Twenty-first Century technique. Art is scanned into a computer and tiny micro-jets of ink are digitally timed and encoded on a rapidly revolving drum. This process uses the finest quality archival, Library of Congress Standard paper. This is the most sophisticated and expensive process in fine art production utilizing the highest resolution digital printers. It is basically a saturation dye process not a printing process.

Giclees are the result of a painstaking, step by step production regimen on environmentally safe water based, acid free paper and exhibit the look and feel of an original watercolor pointing, right down to the paper.

As screens are not used, the prints have a higher apparent resolution than the traditional lithographic method. Moreover their permanency rival any original art form as pigments not dyes are used. More than four million droplets per second are sprayed onto archival paper or canvas. The effect is similar to an air brush technique but much finer as it is computer executed. Exact calculation of her, value and density direct the ink of the nozzles. This produces a combination of 512 chromatic changes of highly saturated, nontoxic water-based ink. The range is sixteen million colors. Therefore the artist’s color approval and input are essential for creating the final custom settings for the editions.

“What really excites me about the Giclee method of fine art reproductions is the lush, velvety, luminous vibrancy of the color it produces.” Describes Nance Frank, Director at The Gallery on Greene. “The result is absolutely brilliant definition and stellar texture. The Giclees capture every nuance of an original painting and they must be treated as an original watercolor and placed away from direct sunlight or accidental exposure to water, even though the reproductions have an extra added UV coating.” She continued.


Original Paintings


Prints at a glance



Print List


Alexander Graham Bell
Bad Kitty
Bert The Shirt
Brer Carter
Captain Ahab Retires
Captain Hook
Conch Republic Dog
Crime Report
Dinks Dreamboat
Dog Beach
Dog Fight
Dot Calm
Dufus Takes A Bride
El Gato Loco
Elephant (drawing)
Elephant (Party Animal I)
Ernest the Cat I
Follow Me
Gator, Gator, Gator & Crock
George Herbert Retriever Bush
Great Horn-Rimmed GoldWarbler
Jesse of Toad Hall
Lady Godiva
Lech Walrusa
Mario Koalo
Mario Sanchez Fine Arts
Models Take A Break
Mutt & Jeff
Party Animal II
Personal Trainer
Race Week
Red-Throated Castro
Right-Winged Thatcher
Stone Harbour
The Barrister
The Bodega
The Diplomat
The Relic
The Wrecker
Turn of the Century
Waiting For Chickens



Dave Barry

Larry Shames

Mario Sanchez


Contact Us

Nance Frank, Owner

Gallery on Greene

Key West, Florida

(305) 294-1669 


Jeff MacNelly Scholarship Fund


Look for Books



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